Friday, November 14, 2008

Hey, my name is Dayakar Padayachee. I live in Durban, South Africa in a double story house in a family of six. My future career is to become a Film Director and script writer. I have already produced a half an hour animated feature film entitled, Lemony Snicket's The Miserable Mill which is based on a book by Daniel Handler. You can see it on

I co-worked on the film with my friends who called themselves the Bouncing Biscuits Studios, which hopefully in the late January of 2009 shall produce a fantasy series entitled 'Josh'. Josh is about an alien man who has wings of a bird, who plummets onto the icy fields of a distant planet. He discovers drunken Ice monsters who eat him and cause Josh's magic within, to possess the land. Later as the years go by, three teenagers escape a dangerous Hydra which follows them to the icy lands where Josh had met his fatal experience.

The Hydra falls into the icy waters below these fields, leaving the teenage friends safe and alone. They suddenly discover an underground lair and find Josh in a tomb of ice. When they save him, he is forever at their feet and takes them home, but they realize that the Hydra was not the only danger they had to face, because further in this strange planet, a dark lord dwells plotting an evil scheme which will change their lives forever.

I have also written my own scripts such as the story of a normal man becoming a hero, who goes with his brother and girlfriend to clean the world from an infestation of Zombie like creatures head by a corrupt President who has a dark secret. The script is called Frankey! which I will post onto this blog later on.

Other scripts include my very own Super-Hero collection, called The Cobra which i will also post later on. I have fan-made scripts of Batman which will also interest you, and a James Bond song that i wrote which i plan to make. Also later I shall put chapters of my novel, The Events of Lukutona which will be a great treat for all of you, hope you enjoy my blog.

Dayakar Padayachee

Imagination Beyond Reality.

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